You should work on these 5 types of SEO to get more traffic

Seo is a weapon to fight this competitive world.

If you are searching for different types of SEO or want to crack this SEO puzzle then you are in the right place. 

This post is 100% for you, so let’s go into details without wasting time. 

What is SEO

SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization. In Simple words, it’s an activity where you optimize your website according to search engines like Google, wing, etc. 

There are also many benefits of SEO, some of them like –

1- Drive high quality traffic 

2- Build a Brand 

3- Gives excellent ROI (Return on Investment)

So as we say SEO is the most powerful weapon in digital marketing used by all brands and businesses to drive organic traffic on their website. If we do it properly SEO will promote your business 24/7 without using a single rupee. 

But it’s not easy to rank on a particular keyword through SEO. That’s why most brands and business uses different types of SEO techniques to rank their web pages on the top of SERP. 

These are the 5 types of SEO people used to get ranked on Google. 

1:- On-page SEO

To get rank on Google optimize your site or webpages according to the search engine is called On-page SEO. This technique is used by millions of people to get organic traffic on their websites. 

These are some key points for On-page SEO, used by everyone.

  1. Use focus keywords in the title, description, and slug URL. 
  2. Use and publish high-quality content. 
  3. Use relatable Alt tags in all images. 
  4. Use Inbound and Outbound Link. 
  5. Use Short Paragraphs

Genuinely, On-page SEO is the most important technique to get more traffic from search engines like Google but remind it not to overdo it like keyword stuffing.  

2:- Off-page SEO

When we work outside of our website to get a higher rank on SERP, to increase our website referral domain is called Off-page SEO. 

In this technique, we try to get quality backlinks from other websites, this activity will increase our website’s authority means through this we can build connections to other high-reputed websites. 

These are some key points for Off-page SEO, used by everyone.

  1. Make your profile on social media and share web page links there. 
  2. Do Blog Commenting
  3. Write Guest Posting 
  4. Social Bookmarking
  5. Video Marketing

This activity is also one of the most important SEO techniques to build connections and get quality backlinks.

Through this, you build your business like a brand.

3:- Technical SEO 

In this activity, you will optimize your website for indexing and crawling. It is also as important as the other two activities I have mentioned above. 

Through this, you will fix all those technical issues that are preventing your website from getting top rank on GOOGLE

These are some key points for Technical SEO, used by everyone.

  1. Check and fix all the broken links from time to time ( Internal and External )
  2. Find and Disavaw all the toxic links 
  3. Submit your website sitemap on Google through Google Search Console. 
  4. Create SEO and Mobile friendly website
  5. Use HTTPS

To work on this SEO technique you should have some tools like Samrush, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, etc. With the help of these tools, you can easily fix your website’s technical issues because Technical SEO is not a Simple Process.  

4:- Local SEO

If your business has a physical location then you need to work on local seo. Local SEO helps you to improve your local business visibility on SERP. You can also generate more traffic, leads, and brand awareness from local searches. 

Here are some points for local SEO given below:-

  1. Work On Relevant Local Keyword 
  2. Make and Optimize your Google My Business Profile 
  3. Work to get More Positive Online reviews 
  4. Localize your site content 
  5. Optimize for voice search

If your business has an offline presence like a head office location or offline store then you should list your business locally like on GMB, and work on local SEO. 

5:- Youtube SEO

The Process of YouTube SEO is not different from Google but here you have to optimize your YouTube channel according to YouTube algorithms and its guidelines. 

There are around 2 billion monthly active users on YouTube. 

So, if you want to make your brand popular you have to work on YouTube and should implement some YouTube SEO Tectics. 

Here we mention some YouTube SEO Techniques to make your videos viral.

  1. Search Keywords Volume or trend according to Youtube
  2. Use some Catchy lines in the Title and Description 
  3. Create an attractive thumbnail 
  4. Use Relatable Video Tags
  5. Use trending and relatable hashtags

YouTube is the second biggest search engine after Google and that’s why everyone wants to become a successful YouTuber. But It’s not so easy, If you will make your videos continue and use these SEO techniques then definitely one day you and your channel will rock. 

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